Eckenberg Farms sets the standard for premium hay cubes.
#1 Cubes
The Eckenberg #1 cube sets the standard for quality in the industry. This is our premium cube made of pure alfalfa with no binders whatsoever. The Eckenberg #1 is green, soft and high in fiber and nutrients. Ideal for direct feeding at dairies and feedlots. The Eckenberg #1 cube has an average protein level of 18% and high fiber and nutrient levels.
#1A Cubes
The Eckenberg No. 1-A cube is designed for those who want a harder cube. By using 2 – 3 percent bentonite, we produce a cube with a harder jacket that slices cleanly with fewer fines. The Eckenberg #1-A is otherwise the same as the #1 with an average protein level of 18% and high fiber and nutrient levels.